
ESWET’s comments on the public consultation on the EU ETS revision


02.10.2021_ETS Position paper cover for website_Small

ESWET welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

ESWET believes that the waste management sector can greatly contribute to reaching climate neutrality by 2050 and that energy recovery from non-recyclable waste will play a major role in the transition to a more sustainable economy, as a part of the Effort Sharing Regulation.

However, ESWET would like to underline that including energy recovery from non-recyclable waste into the EU ETS would likely mean increasing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the waste management sector.

This is because the EU ETS is not fit to foster GHG reductions in the waste management sector. Indeed, the waste management sector’s GHG impact is not limited to direct CO2 emissions: it also includes other factors, such as methane emissions from landfills, energy savings through recycling, and GHG emissions offset by energy recovery.

You can find at the following link the full reply by ESWET to the Public Consultation for the revision of the EU ETS: