Waste Incineration BREF – One Year Later
Download here slides and takeaways from the panel discussion: https://bit.ly/3rQL7Be
Watch the recording on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wrKiv9O9kbo
The Waste Incineration BREF is the basis to reassess and update the environmental permits of waste incineration plants in Europe. Within 4 years from the date of the publication, all the EU plants have to comply with the requirements set by the BREF.
One hour of conversation with three high-level speakers from EU institutions, industry and global consultancy to fully understand the importance of the WI BREF and its implications in Europe and worldwide.
Three presentations on the WI BREF process and the possible implications of the upcoming IED revision, on the challenges and opportunities the WI BREF has created from the operator’s perspective, and its impact on the market in Europe and abroad, will pave the way to a panel discussion and Q&A session with the audience.
10:00 – 10:10: Introduction by Patrick Clerens, ESWET Secretary-General
10:10 – 10:20: Anita Matic, Policy Officer, DG ENV, European Commission: Presentation on the WI BREF and the IED evaluation and revision
10:20 – 10:30: Lighea Speziale, External Advisor Environment, CEWEP: Current status of WI BAT Conclusion implementation from the operator’s perspective
10:30 – 10:40: Bettina Kamuk, Global Market Director Waste-to-Energy, Ramboll: Expected impact of the WI BREF on the market and its influence outside Europe
10:40 – 11:30: Panel Discussion and Q&A
Read here the full agenda and speakers bio