BREF Workshops
Workshop on Implementation of BAT Conclusions for Waste Incineration: Videos and Presentations
In November 2019, the EU adopted the Waste Incineration (WI) BAT conclusions together with the Waste Incineration BREF. These two decisions fall under the framework of the Industrial Emissions Directive.
Today, the new WI BAT conclusions provide the guidelines to reassess all the environmental permits of waste incineration plants in Europe. In the lead-up to the adoption of these documents, ESWET, CEWEP, and FEAD organised a workshop on June 4, 2019, to discuss the implementation of the WI BAT conclusions, their implications, and the expectations they raise among WtE technology suppliers, operators, and relevant stakeholders.
4th June 2019: CEWEP-ESWET-FEAD Workshop on Implementation of BAT Conclusions for Waste Incineration:
Welcome and programme of the day (Ella Stengler, CEWEP)
Legal framework and background (Alexis Thuau, ESWET)
WI BREF and BAT conclusions: review, content and what is unsaid (Lorenzo Ceccherini, CEWEP)
the NOC/OTNOC issue (Hubert de Chefdebien, CEWEP, ESWET, FEAD)
Bottom ash and water emissions (Ralf Koralewska, ESWET)
Calculation of energy efficiency (Lorenzo Ceccherini, CEWEP)
Measurement uncertainty (Lighea Speziale, CEWEP)
Presentation of the draft guidance document on WI BREF (Hubert de Chefdebien, CEWEP-ESWET-FEAD)
Expectations (Lighea Speziale, CEWEP)