

08.11 - 11.11.2022

A key event in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin for the green and circular economy network.

Ecomondo is an international hub where all the drivers of the ecological transition are presented and discussed.

Opportunities and advantages of visiting the exhibition and talks:
It is a benchmark event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation.

Their environment help companies becoming world leaders in innovation, promoting the development of an innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Ecomondo welcomes companies with the most skilled national and international buyers to make contact, and we work all year with a targeted community and the leading experts in the circular economy.

Additionally, they cover the new regulatory priorities in the fields of research, innovation and training in a professional environment; in partnership with industrial associations, ministries, research institutions, the European Commission, the OECD, European technological platforms and international initiatives.

Finally, for this new year’s edition, we are glad to have the possibility of visiting and meet our members and many new promising and break-out projects/enterprises there.


8-11th November at Rimini Expo Centre (Italy)

Find more information on the ECOMONDO’s official website


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