Going forward: IBA in the circular economy
With a new Working Group on Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA), ESWET is looking to increase the knowledge on IBA and its environmental benefits.
On June 9, ESWET held the kick-off meeting of its newly established Working Group on Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) with the participation of both suppliers and representants of operators. Based on those discussions, ESWET aims at building and sharing a solid knowledge on a topic around which there are still many misconceptions.
Incineration Bottom Ash is a solid residue of the thermal treatment of non-recyclable waste. Despite being considered as residue, IBA contains valuable materials such as metals and minerals that offer many opportunities for recycling and re-use.
Indeed, using IBA as road aggregates, or recovering metals to be recycled are safe operations that are commonly carried on in many EU Member states. Materials from IBA have a great potential to contribute to the EU circular economy and carbon neutrality targets, by saving both precious virgin raw materials and reducing GHG emissions.
If you want to find out more about the potential of IBA recovery, check out our article on the ZAV recovery facility in Hinwil, Switzerland or watch this video from “The Beauty in the Beast” campaign provided on turning trash into gold.
If you are interested in joining or knowing more about the IBA WG, don’t hesitate to contact Manon Roussel (m.roussel@eswet.eu).