MARTIN News – Several orders in Germany, La Réunion, and China
Find below the latest order announced by MARTIN
1) Magdeburg, Germany – Order for the supply of a combustion system with integrated fluidized-bed incineration
After successful negotiations, a contract for the latest order was signed in Magdeburg on 28 October 2021. The customer is MHKW Rothensee in Magdeburg, a joint venture between EEW Energy from Waste GmbH and Städtische Werke Magdeburg, which already operates a waste-to-energy plant on the existing site.
A reverse-acting grate with six grate runs and a total width of 14.3 m will be used. The plant is designed for a gross heat release of 120 MW and can thermally treat up to 40 t/h of commercial and industrial waste. The superheated steam produced will have a temperature of 405 °C and a pressure of 43 bar(a) and will be converted into electricity in a steam turbine.
The special component in the scope of supply is the fluidized-bed incineration system for sewage sludge supplied by KÜTTNER MARTIN Technology GmbH. The sewage sludge delivered with a solids content of 24 % is fed into the fluidized bed after predrying.
The resultant flue gases are cooled in a saturated steam boiler. The steam produced is used to heat the sewage sludge dryer. Surplus volumes are fed into the waste-fired boiler’s steam circuit.
An electrostatic precipitator is used to separate the phosphorus-laden ash from the cooled flue gases so that the ash can be reused as fertilizer. In the secondary air injection area, the remaining flue gases are injected into the waste-fired boiler where they are thermally treated to comply with the emission values.
The installation of the components will begin in October2022 after the planning and purchasing phase in 2022. Commissioning will begin at the end of 2023 and handover to the customer is scheduled for mid-June 2024.
We are pleased to be able to implement the combination of solids and sludge combustion and add value to the experienced power plant site with an additional innovation.
2) Pierrefonds / La Réunion – Plant for exhaustive waste treatment and recovery
Waste management company ILEVA commissioned our French partner CNIM with acting as the consortium leader for the erection of the RUN’EVA plant. The project involves the treatment and recovery of 200,000 t/a of waste from the southern half of the island of La Réunion. Following completion, CNIM will operate the plant for 10 years. Start-up is planned for the end of 2023.
One combustion line thermally treats high-calorific fractions from waste conditioning (so-called CSR) as well as the residues from a dry digestion plant. The thermal output of 63 MW produced by the combustion system is used to generate 18.5 MW of electricity, which is fed to the national grid.
MARTIN’s involvement in the project is the supply of a 3-run Vario grate with the latest-generation infrared-based combustion control system. The reverse-acting grate makes a key contribution to the integrated overall concept of sustainable waste treatment.
3) China – 13 orders for the supply of grate systems and complete plants
Our licensee, Chongqing Sanfeng Covanta Environmental Industry Co., Ltd., has been awarded the following 13 new contracts to supply grate systems and complete plants with the MARTIN reverse-acting grate SITY2000:
- Hechuan, Chongqing province, 2 combustion systems with 500 t/d
- Xichang II, Sichuan province, 1 complete plant with 600 t/d
- Suzhou II, Anhui province, 1 combustion system with 600 t/d
- Qiandongnan Liping, Guizhou province, 2 combustion systems with 350 t/d
- Juye, Shandong province, 2 combustion systems with 400 t/d
- Longkou, Shandong province, 1 combustion system with 600 t/d
- Taierzhuang, Shandong province, 1 combustion system with 500 t/d
- Huhehaote, Neimenggu province, 1 combustion system with 750 t/d
- Huixian, Henan province, 2 combustion systems with 350 t/d
- Linquan II, Anhui province, 1 combustion system with 750 t/d
- Yining, Xinjiang province, 2 combustion systems with 500 t/d
- Shangcheng, Henan province, 1 combustion system with 600 t/d
- Shangshui, Henan province, 2 combustion systems with 600 t/d
4) China – Order for delivery of grate systems and total plants
Our licensee, Chongqing Sanfeng Covanta Environmental Industry Co., Ltd., has been awarded 4 new contracts to supply grate systems or total plants with the MARTIN reverse-acting grate SITY2000. One total plant of 600 t/d will be supplied to the waste-to-energy plant in Wulong (Chongqing province), two combustion systems of 600 t/d to the waste-to-energy plant Fushun City (Liaoning province). One combustion system with 600 t/d capacity will be built in Baishan (Jilin province) and two combustion systems with 750 t/d capacity in Yingkou (Liaoning province).
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