WEBINAR – “Pollution and Waste-to-Energy: Myth or Reality?”
Join us on 7 April at 10 CET for an open discussion on Waste-to-Energy, Industrial Emissions and Pollution Prevention.
Waste-to-Energy plants are often under the microscope because of the emissions they generate. How are these emissions regulated? How are they measured? Are they harmful? And what do the plants do to prevent them?
We discussed these questions (and many more) in a webinar organised by ESWET, with speakers from the European Commission, Polytechnic University of Milan, CEWEP and ESWET.
Slides and recording here: https://youtu.be/AXi1wFy9pWY
10:00 – 10:05: Aurélien Ballagny, ESWET Head of Policy.
Introduction and Moderation of the event
10:05 – 10:15: Anita Matic, European Commission – Directorate-General for Environment Unit C4 – Industrial Emissions & Safety.
Waste incineration and the IED: pollution prevention and monitoring requirements.
10:15 – 10:30: Leen de Bruycker, CEWEP, Technical Officer.
Presentation of the report: “Dioxins and Waste-to-Energy plants : New report on the State of the Art“
10:30 – 10:45: Giovanni Lonati, Polytechnic University of Milan, Civil and Environmental Civil Engineering Department, Associate Professor.
Comparison between road traffic and WtE pollution in Northern Italy
10:45 – 11:00: Rüdiger Margraf, Member of the ESWET Technical Committee, and Managing Director, Luehr Filter.
Flue Gas Cleaning: Depollution technologies for Waste-to-Energy
11:00 – 11:15: Aurélie Moll, Member of the ESWET Technical Committee, and Technical Industry Manager – Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage and Waste & Recycling, SICK. Measurement technology and data evaluation from Waste-to-Energy
11:15 – 11:45: Panel Discussion and Q&A