Can Waste-to-Energy Become Carbon Negative?
On Friday 27 November, an online panel discussion took place on the development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Waste-to-Energy with three speakers from EU institutions, industry, and research.
Download here the slides of the presentation and the takeaways from the session!
A conversation with
- Jannicke Bjerkas, Director CCS Fortum Oslo Varme
- David Kearns, Senior Consultant, Global CCS Institute
- Maria Velkova, Policy Officer, European Commission
Moderated by
- Patrick Clerens, Secretary-General, ESWET
With the previsions of a global waste generation almost doubling by 2050, the application of carbon capture technologies in Waste-to-Energy is a great opportunity to move away from landfills and limit global warming. The development of CCS in Waste-to-Energy plants can turn waste into a negative emitter. What is still needed to make it happen?
A conversation with three high-level speakers from EU institutions, industry, and research helped us to understand whether and how non-recyclable waste can deliver negative emissions, and which policies are needed for Europe to lead this process.